January 28, 2010


For absent friends.

(about 1h, photoshop)

January 27, 2010




Tired as a monkey...
..a calculator drawing under there, I didnt bother to remove :P

January 26, 2010


Hehey, it's Jimmy Gibbs Jr! On fire!


January 25, 2010


Some kind of a...dunno. Study.
Got very nicely inspired from reading stuff (and watching screenshots) about a mmorpg which is in development phase. I don't know if it will ever be ready, but it looks really exciting at this phase.
It's called Infinity. http://www.infinity-universe.com/Infinity/index.php
(Argh, what a hugely inconsistent lighting :C )

January 24, 2010


This too. (Every sunday @ 12:00, café Java, Helsinki. Feel free to participate :)


Every sunday sketchgroup stuff.

January 23, 2010

Nene likes PLEX

I've missed so many days already ;_;.

January 20, 2010


Followed Runneri's style a bit here. Today, Photoshop doesn't work, but MyPaint does. And I've fallen behind, argh.


Same as previous. I accidentally got an hour too early to work, so I spent some of that time on drawing....

Suits better

Same drying-out pencils, colors in ps. about 15-20mins.

January 19, 2010

Tend to forget namings...

More of these.... drawn on a4, boy is about 20cm

January 17, 2010

Zombie carrot

Zombie carrot was popular monster in little bunnies scary stories.

January 15, 2010

Samaa saissee...
Got to catch up....
same old specs....


I didn't draw this especially for the blog, but I decided to put it here anyways. It's part of this kinda on-going comic thing, which is made by various people.
(~3 hours)

January 14, 2010


Today I wanted play bit with humans ability to understand abstract pictures.
about 20min.

January 13, 2010

Dragon rider

Dragon rider.
about 2h.


Chair from our office. Same media and time. ..same bat-place.
I try to make another today, filling the yesterdays gap...

January 12, 2010

Alien plant

Sorry, bad drawing today. I just didn't get any good idea



January 11, 2010

Real batman

The real batman have tummy.

Sacral forms

Maybe this week more of these, then I try to do something else.
I use these colors cos' I havent got any other colors at the moment at work. ...except few neon-tones. Shall see if I come up with something with them.
Same media(my black marker is drying out) 15-20mins

January 10, 2010


The goddamn Batman.

January 9, 2010


A late start for me due to Arkham Asylum & EVE.
So here's something EVE.


oops..wrong day


January 8, 2010


Tattoo type of fish.
about 30min.

I didn't post yesterday because the train where I was traveling was late over 3h. So I was so late at home I went straight to bed. But I did some sketching at train. I have to look if can scan them somewhere.


It's a toothbrush. Funny what inspires you most when you're going to bed soon.
(not even 15min)

January 7, 2010



Wood-concrete tower

"One for tomorrow. One just for today. ... Im going away."
Cant post tomorrow, so heres one for that. Same media about 5-10mins. oops! +5mins sketching.
Ok, I failed spending 15mins on it...


At least one more of these.... 15mins... No sketching just drew straight ahead.

January 6, 2010

Future football

Some futuristic football game.
about 2h again.


Car stuff again. Back to Photoshop since the otherwise neat MyPaint didn't cooperate.


More of architectural ideas. A futuristic soap-box building this time. ..could be a church(cross missing) or a research center.
Technical pencils, about 30mins with sketches before these final drawings.

January 5, 2010

Melee robot

Some kind of futuristic melee robot this time.
About 2h.


MyPaint + sharpen more. Wacom didn't start working this time (something wrong with MyPaint and my machine..) Had to draw with a god damn mouse D-:
Blade Runner's soundtrack made me draw a some sort of a flying car.

Architectural idea

Technical pencils, 15-20mins.
I did some sketching before this final one.

January 4, 2010

Isaac Newton

In honor of Isaac Newton's 367th birthday I did cartoon sketch from him.
I lost the time but I guess I used at least few hours on it.
I made it with ArtRage3.


pen drawing, 15-20mins.


Hi all =)
Tried out a new software, called MyPaint. I'm not very good at using it yet, though it looks promising. Kinda like Painter. Swift to use.

January 1, 2010

Here we go

The Rules are simple:
Draw at least 15min.
Make drawing every weekday(mon-fri).
You can draw what you want way you want just draw. :)